Which herbalist?

Herbalists are as diverse as the communities we serve in. We have many different strengths and specializations.

For example some of us choose to work in a primary health care setting and are very experienced at working directly with the medical profession. Some of us work in multidisciplinary practices with other complimentary therapists. Others work more independently.

Some of us have become specialized in treating people with particular problems - breast cancer, IBS, mental health etc. Some of us are trained in other areas -for example reflexology, iridology, and massage.

Some of us may have degrees or other exam based professional qualifications. Some of us may have gained our skills though more traditional apprenticeships.

We may have other interests relevant to you - environmental issues, permaculture, Shamanism etc. We practice in different circumstances; our prices may vary; we have different levels of experience; and we come from different backgrounds.

Soon you will have access to a searchable database of herbalists practicing in the London area.

London Community herbalist are inviting other herbalists to describe themselves on our website. We hope that this will help you to find the right herbalist for you. If you would like to be informed when the database is fully functioning, send an email to info@lcherbalists.co.uk

If you are a herbalist who would like to add your details to the database, see advertising.